Hero image of A hidden gem

A hidden gem

January 2023

These are the best places in nature. The ones that are close to home. The places where you stroll on a regular evening. Where you know every little path and every tree. Where you can go to clear your mind after a long day of work and just be. Take a look with me at some of my favourite moments in the small woods close to my home.

Old memories

This little nature park called 'The Palingbeek' close to home is rather special. Back in the day, my grandparents used to take us here to go for a walk. It was a place where we could play and explore. I think that this memory has always stuck with me and might enable me to appreciate this place even more.

Gorgeous sunset over the fields and the woods.

Gorgeous sunset over the fields and the woods.

European Hornet, captured by the impeccable R6 autofocus...

European Hornet, captured by the impeccable R6 autofocus...

In the sunlight, some of the best looking feathers.

In the sunlight, some of the best looking feathers.

Life everywhere

The woods are full of life. You can see it everywhere. The birds are chirping, the squirrels are running around, the roe deers are grazing and the insects are buzzing.

Some of my favorite species

Some of my favorite species

Curious tit

Curious tit

Un lapin, chef.

Un lapin, chef.

Thorns are a safe place.

Thorns are a safe place.

The birds

We have seen some beautiful bird species over the last year. We don't really care about how uncommon a specie is. Even very common birds can have some wonderful songs, behaviour or feathers.

One of the most spectacular encounter was a female black woodpecker that was hammering away on a tree. It was a very rare sighting and we were very lucky to see it. The woodpecker also didn't seem to mind us being there.

A rare black woodpecker

A rare black woodpecker

Cuckoo calling while watching the trees for response

Cuckoo calling while watching the trees for response

There are always a lot of woodpeckers around. The great spotted woodpecker and the european green woodpecker are the most common ones and can be seen in large numbers.

Also one time we saw the rather rare cattle egret. The bioviversity in this small area is really amazing.

One time a couple of Cattle egrets flew in

One time a couple of Cattle egrets flew in

This is just a small selection of the many birds we have photographed. Than there are also the many great birds that we have seen but didn't have the time to photograph before they flew away.

The Roe deer

Besides the many gorgeous birds, there are also many squirrles and roe deer. The roe deer can be very shy, but that seems to depend on the season. In the summer they are very relaxed and you can get very close to them. In the winter they are very shy and run away as soon as they see you. The squirrels sit high in the treetops and often wait patiently for you to move on...

Small roe running by at sunrise

Small roe running by at sunrise

The typical winter look of a roe deer

The typical winter look of a roe deer

In the summer the fur alomost looks orange

In the summer the fur alomost looks orange

A relaxed roe deer during a perfect summer evening

A relaxed roe deer during a perfect summer evening

A curious red squirrel early in the morning

A curious red squirrel early in the morning

One particular morning we were lucky enough to see a couple of them feeding at a hazelnut tree. They were very relaxed and didn't seem to mind us being there.
First you only see a tail and some moving leaves

First you only see a tail and some moving leaves

Just eating away

Just eating away

Still keeping an eye on us

Still keeping an eye on us

Find a hidden gem and enjoy it

In conclusion, this is only one of the many beautiful places around. I hope that you will find your own hidden gem and that you will be able to appreciate it as much as I do. The beauty is all around us: during our commute, during a walk or in our backyard. Just take a look around, you'll see it.

Pheasant in the early hours

Pheasant in the early hours

A quiet and peaceful place

A quiet and peaceful place

During the day you can see woodpeckers everywhere

During the day you can see woodpeckers everywhere